Updated on January 04, 2024

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Written by Ethan Wilson

How to Write an Effective Email to HR?

How to Write an Effective Email to HR?

Email is a key mechanism by which companies ensure that they are always fully staffed with qualified personnel. It is a way to convey critical information between job candidates and hiring managers screening incoming pools to fill open roles. As a professional determined to find the best employment for your career path, you cannot neglect the details of how to craft email correspondence for HR managers.

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Crafting a warm yet professional introductory letter can markedly boost your visibility. This is particularly true if there is fierce competition for a position.

This article explores best practices when structuring initial or follow-up emails. We will explain how best to showcase your expertise to those managing high-volume application volumes daily.

And, finally, if you’re overwhelmed with the tasks you face in seeking high-quality employment, there are options. We will point you towards our AI letter-writing solution, known as AImReply.

How to Write an Email to HR Manager | AImReply

Compelling Subject Lines Capture Attention  

HR managers face perpetually overflowing inboxes. That means that concise subject lines that cut through the noise are key. Crafting them warrants due care.

However, the rules are simple. First, briefly, and directly state your desire to seek a specific role in the company. Name that role, such as “Software Engineer Resume” or “Product Manager Interview Request.”

If you are following up on a resume submission or query, note the specific nature of your query in brackets like “[Marketing Assistant Materials Update?]”.

You want to avoid vague phrases that force the recipient to try to decipher your desire. And you want to avoid bragging that you think clever and eye-catching but which an HR manager will think is juvenile.

How to Write an Email to HR Manager | AImReply

Succinctly Summarize Relevant Background

The body of your email should highlight your credentials that are directly aligned with the targeted role. For example, imagine you are pursuing implementation roles at leading finance platforms. It would be appropriate to discuss previous project coordination for business software rollouts. Likewise, you could choose to highlight your experience with client systems integration for organizational change management.

If specific skill sets or familiarity with specific software or other tools is required to effectively fulfill a job, note these. Note any accreditations, for instance if you have a certificate in Excel or CSM software certification.

Your goal is to impress the company with your strong skill set. Do not be shy about listing your experience with key tools. Even if you haven’t gotten a certificate, HR managers will consider real world experience.

How to Write an Email to HR Manager | AImReply

Express Adaptability and Cross-Collaborative Temperament

Typically beyond hard skills, HR managers strongly weigh the flexibility and personable temperaments of applicants. They know that this suggests a smoother assimilation into company culture. Soft skills are nothing to sneeze at and HR managers know this.

Briefly emphasize your strong ability to easily adjust to new situations and workflows. Make note that you can do so without compromising quality, speed, or accountability.

You may note past experience in learning new systems and technologies if that is relevant. Proactive stances are a signal to HR managers that you have autonomous resourcefulness.

How to Write an Email to HR Manager | AImReply

Close With Next Step Recommendations 

End your email to the HR manager with simple yet proactive suggestions for next steps on their part. That can include a link to a portfolio or website for them to review at their leisure. You can also directly request an appointment to further discuss the possibility of your employment at their convenience.

This forward-leaning posture conveys a strong, self-motivated candidate. It shows that you are willing to respectfully take the reins with personalized touchpoints. You are conveying an image of yourself as someone who doesn’t passively wait for generic follow-ups.

Now you understand some of the principles involved in how you should convey yourself in an email to a company HR manager. Let’s move on to some specific, concrete examples.

How to Write an Email to HR Manager | AImReply

Sample Emails to HR Departments

Entry-Level Position Tailoring for your Email

When you are fresh out of college and applying for a competitive entry level position at a company you need to be conscious of how to strongly appeal to HR managers. Take the time to do some research on your potential employer.

You can personalize your email to the HR manager with the employer's strategic aspirations in mind. This will help your initial contact and resume to stand out from generic submissions.

As you discuss your qualifications, move beyond just summarizing your coursework experience from college. Highlight how the classroom concepts you learned have already proven practically applicable.

Of course, the best way to do so is to put previous job or intern experience in your cover letter and email contact. Volunteer experience in a related area is also useful to mention and demonstrates that you are committed to projects that don’t directly and immediately benefit you, an important symbol that you are a team player who will contribute to the company.


Hello Ms/Mr [Name],

I am writing to you seeking an entry-level position in the civil engineering department at [company name].

I recently graduated from the [name of program] at state college, with a focus on [area of focus]. As a result, I am familiar with your company and some of your projects such as the [project name] from [year of project].

I would be thrilled to join your team and to contribute to [company name]’s success – as well as deepen my own knowledge going forward. I have already accumulated some real-world experience working as an intern at [company X]. I can provide reference letters from them as well as from my supervising professors.

If it is possible, I would love to set up a 15-minute phone or video call in the next week or two if that fits into your schedule.

[Your Name]

How to Write an Email to HR Manager | AImReply

Specialist Level Role Application

For intermediate professional roles like analytics consultants or content strategists, it is important to showcase niche mastery from past positions. You want to do this right from the top. That will capture the recruiter’s interest quickly. You are demonstrating that you have what they need.

Summarize your technical ability and illustrate the client outcomes as well as the programs you spearheaded using these abilities. Combining the skill with the results you achieve and/or their practical application shows the clear strengths you bring to the table.

Finally, close out by suggesting a further discussion in person or by video call. This indicates that you would like to elaborate how your strengths align with their current role vacancies.

Below is a sample letter to help you in crafting your own.


{Subject}: Hotel Operations Analyst Application

Dear [HR contact’s name],

I am writing to you seeking a position with [company name] in the role of Hotel Operations Analyst.

I have honed my expertise in performance optimization within the hospitality sector across three resort brands and over the course of ten years. I was thrilled to discover that a position had opened with [company name] that is a strong fit for my skillsets and would love the opportunity to discuss this further with you.

In addition to my years of experience, I also have technical certifications in [x software], [y software] and years of experience using [tool B].

Since timing is essential with high season rapidly approaching, I welcome discussing my professional capabilities further early next week. I would be happy to meet in person or to set up a video call if you have 30 minutes available.

[Your Name]

How to Write an Email to HR Manager | AImReply

Crafting a Cordially Persistent Follow-Up

With HR managers often swamped by applications and other duties, you may find that you are left in limbo for an extended period. That is true even when you have sent an email to the HR manager for an advertised position.

Don’t give up and move on but you also don’t want to pester the hiring manager to the point that you become an annoyance. Use occasional check-ins every couple of weeks as an opportunity to express continued, undiminished interest.

Make it clear that you want to contribute your talent toward their company’s growth objectives. You may even note that if the original position is filled, you would relish the opportunity to have a conversation about other positions or to make a contact for future openings.

Building relationships with hiring managers as a politely persistent professional often pays off in the medium term, even if you didn’t get the immediately available position.


Good afternoon Ms. [Name],

I wanted to follow up regarding my previous email for the role of [position]. Please advise if the hiring committee has already made offers or if you continue to review applications.

As someone with extensive experience and training in the areas covered by the role you seek to fill, I remain enthusiastic to share my expertise and to join your team.

Should the position have been filled by another candidate, I would nonetheless relish the opportunity to discuss other roles with [company name] or to make a contact with you for future reference. I can be available for a video or voice call at a time and date of your convenience.

Thank you for any updates you can provide!

Best regards,
[Your Name]

How to Write an Email to HR Manager | AImReply

Email Success with AImReply 

The above advice for communicating with recruiters and hiring managers can be helpful in moving forward your career. However, we know that crafting truly compelling, personalized emails can be a burden.

This is where AI email writers like AImReply can help to boost your success and productivity. AI email generator can become your personal email assistant that will compose ideal emails to Hiring Managers for you in seconds, and rest assured, these emails will be written professionally, suitably for any occasion and topic, unique, in an intelligent tone and appropriate structure, and with zero-mistakes.

In seconds, AImReply generates initial drafts or tailored response suggestions completely aligned to your background and in your writing style, thanks to its ability to analyze text patterns. By intelligently handling the structural and stylistic considerations, you can focus fully on showcasing your story. Sign up for free to remove administrative email stresses, and empower your applications’ success!

Author Ethan Wilson
Written by

Author, Expert in Email Strategy and Artificial Intelligence

Author Ethan Wilson

Written by

Ethan Wilson

Author, Expert in Email Strategy and Artificial Intelligence

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