Updated on November 14, 2023

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Written by Ethan Wilson

How to write a thank you email

How to write a thank you email

Whether it’s a professional or personal interaction, knowing how to write a thank you appreciation note can go a long way. It can help to build positive relationships, but it also looks good on you and your communication skills. As simple as it may seem, many people don’t know how to craft a proper email of appreciation. In this article, not only will you learn how to write such an email, but we’ll also dive into how AImReply can help.

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How to write an appreciation email with examples | AImReply

There are many circumstances where a thank you email is warranted. Whether it’s an exchange of professional services or simply leaving someone a positive note, these emails can have a sizable impact on the recipient.

Even if you don’t find yourself needing to email appreciation letters very often, it’s still a nice skill to have. Most of what you should be concerned with on this topic are the words and phrases you use.

Context can make or break an email, so paying attention to the way you layer your messages is important. For reference, review the sample below as they act as a base guidance on how to write appreciation thank you emails.

How to write an appreciation email with examples | AImReply

Effective Templates for Appreciation Emails

One could argue that there are an endless number of ways to write thank you emails, and they’d be right. However, not all of them are as effective as they could be. With any email, it’s always best to get straight to the point, as most people are quick readers with a short attention span.

Feel free to flush out the body of the text, but the subject title and introduction should tell the reader exactly what your message is about. In the same vein, don't be afraid to add your own creative flair along the way. You can use the samples as inspiration or their exact structure whenever you need to send a thank you email for appreciation.

How to write an appreciation email with examples | AImReply
1. After an interview

Even if you aren’t sure about the outcome of your interview with management, you should follow up with a simple thank you for their time. A little initiative like this can leave a memorable impression, which can hopefully lead to a higher chance of you getting hired. The template below focuses on saying thank you after a job interview.

Hello [Mr. Johnson/Recipient Name],

I hope this email finds the committee well! This is [Your Name], and I’m sending this email to simply express my gratitude for your time during my interview. I know you have a lot of applicants to deal with, and I really enjoyed speaking with you.

Of course, I’d be happy to set up another interview if needed, and feel free to reach out if you have any questions for me. Thank you!

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

This email shows gratitude for the interview and continued interest in the position. Most employers deal with a large number of applicants, and sending a small letter of appreciation like this can give you a leading edge.

How to write an appreciation email with examples | AImReply
2. General appreciation email

In some cases, there doesn’t need to be a present reason to say thank you to someone. Sending out emails of general appreciation is bound to be well received by professionals and loved ones. This option is pretty easy as it can be more relaxed and straight to the point, so you won't have to worry about too much text.

Hey [Recipient Name],

I’m just sending this email to let you know how much I appreciate you for all of your help! People who take pride in their work are hard to find these days. Keep it up, and thank you again for your dedication on a daily basis.

I’m sure it doesn’t get said enough, but your efforts are valued here, and I don’t miss any of the details. You’re doing great!

All the Best,
[Your Name]

How to write an appreciation email with examples | AImReply
3. Appreciation email after a raise

Whether it's expected or not, you should always be grateful that you received a raise. It's something that most employers aren't obligated to indulge in. A thank you note is a small gesture that’ll be remembered for a long time. Sending thanks for appreciation letters is proper etiquette after receiving a raise.

Dear [Recipient Name],

I’m sending this email as a proper thank you for the raise I recently received. You have no idea how much this means to me, as I continue to dedicate a majority of my time to the company. I hope you have been satisfied with my work lately, and I’m eager to keep exceeding your expectations.

Calling the raise a nice surprise would be an understatement. It’ll be a big help, and I’m eager to keep providing value on a daily basis.

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

You don’t need to be over the top when it comes to saying thank you. Brief and effective emails convey the gratitude you’re feeling without making the recipient read through too much fluff.

How to write an appreciation email with examples | AImReply
4. Last day of internship

A common angle of living in the business world, internships can be an excellent stepping stone to professional opportunities. When you’re nearing the last day of an internship, it’s time to start thinking about that thank you email. Not only is it common courtesy, but it acts as a positive last impression on your way out.

Dear [Recipient Name]

I wanted to reach out and personally thank you for the time and effort you and your employees put into my internship. My experience with the project and my coworkers have really made me excited for future opportunities, and I couldn’t be more thankful for what I’ve learned along the way.

I hope I strike your interest as a full-time candidate in the future, as I’m certainly interested. You have my contact information, and I’ll stick around if you feel like I’d be a solid addition to the team. Thanks again for the opportunity and for being my coach when I need it!

All the Best,
[Your Name]

How to write an appreciation email with examples | AImReply
5. Appreciation for good customer service

Sometimes, you receive customer service that puts you in such a good mood that you have to let the company know. Effective and positive customer service can be a rare find these days, so there’s nothing wrong with showing a little appreciation for it. Below is a good example of how to say thank you for good customer service without being over the top about it.

Hello [Recipient Name]

This is just a brief message to let you all know that I truly appreciate your customer service team. They’re always beyond helpful whenever I need it most, and I wouldn’t spend my money anywhere else. Keep it up!

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

This isn’t an email that needs to be formal by any means. Feel free to be yourself, as the customer service team is bound to appreciate the nice comment regardless of how you write it.

How to write an appreciation email with examples | AImReply
6. Show appreciation for networking

In the business world, networking can be the deciding factor between failure and success. It isn’t always easy, and there are many nuances that make up a good networking relationship.

One of them is showing appreciation to those who help you along the way. Writing an email of appreciation to your networking counterparts can help solidify and progress that professional connection.

Hello [Recipient Name]

I wanted to thank you for taking the time to speak with me personally at the [insert networking event here]. It was obvious you were extremely busy, but I’m grateful we had the chance to catch up.

Now that we have each other’s contact information, I’m sure we’ll be in touch down the road. Thanks again, and I hope we get the chance to speak again soon. All the best.

Best Regards,
[Your Name]

While being professional is important here, it’s also advisable to read the room and let a bit of your own personality cut through. In many cases, professionals are in somewhat of a networking competition with each other. It’s in your best interest to leave an impression on others that helps you stand out from the crowd.

How to write an appreciation email with examples | AImReply

Using AI to Help You Write

You may have trouble with overthinking your writing, or you simply don’t have time to sit down and craft one email after the other. No matter the reason, using AI can help streamline the entire process. This is where AImReply can help, as it can handle the entire email writing process. It just needs a little direction.

Here are the core benefits of using AImReply to write your appreciation thank you emails:

  • Time Efficiency: Save hours in the day by letting AI write new emails and handle responses.
  • No Mistakes: AImReply supports 16 languages and can easily adapt tone, context, and more.
  • Security: Your emails, communication, accounts, and any other personal information will be secured at all times.
  • Availability: AImReply can be used on desktop or mobile devices, and you can also find a Chrome extension available.
How to write an appreciation email with examples | AImReply

The best part is that AImReply is entirely free to use. You can get started today and have AImReply writing your emails within minutes. It doesn’t matter if the context focuses on a birthday, wedding, or any other personal or professional setting; AImReply can adjust to it. If you’re looking to write effective and meaningful emails of appreciation, AI Email Generator is all you need to get it done.

Author Ethan Wilson
Written by

Author, Expert in Email Strategy and Artificial Intelligence

Author Ethan Wilson

Written by

Ethan Wilson

Author, Expert in Email Strategy and Artificial Intelligence

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