Updated on October 09, 2023

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Written by Ethan Wilson

Write thank you letters after interviews to stand out as job applicant

Write thank you letters after interviews to stand out as job applicant

No matter which way you look at it, the interview process is nerve-wracking from beginning to end. As each candidate shares the same anxieties, one can only hope they're selected for the position. There are many ways to increase your chances of being selected in the interview process. An easy step in the right direction is an after-interview thank you email. This may not seem orthodox to everyone, but it’s a small gesture that can make a huge difference. In this article, you’ll get a look at the best examples of how to email thank you after an interview. We’ll also dive into important questions surrounding the topic while delivering tips and tricks from the experts.

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While some feel it isn’t a requirement, many industry professionals agree that sending a thankful email after an interview is a must. Not only is this seen as a form of proper etiquette, but it also shows a sense of gratitude for the potential opportunity.

It’s a small action that can help to set you apart from other candidates, as it’s something that could stand out to the hiring manager down the road. By sending a thankful email after an interview, you’re also solidifying the rapport that you created during the meeting.

Best Sample Thank You Emails After an Interview | AImReply

Of course, there’s always the possibility you never receive a response to that email, but in the event you do, it could lead to further communication. At this point, you could potentially address any questions or concerns they may have moving forward.

Some individuals who feel confident after an interview may find this extra step a moot point, but this isn’t true by any means. Keep in mind there are multiple ways to go about crafting a solid thank you after an interview email. For those who don’t have much experience with this, templates can be helpful in creating a professional yet personable email.

After crafting your thank you email following an interview, it's essential to consider a follow-up email strategy to maintain engagement and interest.

Best Sample Thank You Emails After an Interview | AImReply

Thank You Email Templates

Although there’s a level of professionalism that should be used when emailing a thank you after an interview, a personal touch never hurts. Many people tend to overthink such things, which can lead to a lackluster email that doesn’t really hit the mark. Take a look at the thank you email templates below, and feel free to use and customize them to your needs.

Best Sample Thank You Emails After an Interview | AImReply
1. In-person interviews

With different types of interviews comes varying etiquette for how thank you emails should be structured. In-person interviews give you the best chance to connect with the hiring managers, and it can be helpful to build off that initial interaction with a thank you email. The template below is an effective example of how you should structure thank you emails after interviews that are in person.

Subject Line: Thank you from [Your Name]

Dear [Contact Name],

Thank you again for the time today! I’m eager to learn more about how I could assist [Company] with their needs regarding [Job Title].

Now that I’ve had a chance to talk about the position in more detail, I’m more than confident that I’ll be able to meet all of your requirements. I’m actually beyond excited about [insert particular/unique detail about job title].

You mentioned that the decision on this position will be made in [timeframe]. I’m more than happy to stand by, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any more questions for me! Once again, thank you, and I hope to speak with you soon.

[Your Name]
[LinkedIn URL]

This is a pretty straightforward approach and will work quite well in most circumstances. It also only requires minor adjustments for a more fitting look if you just came from a phone or even an informational interview.

Best Sample Thank You Emails After an Interview | AImReply
2. Phone interviews

A little more relaxed than in-person interviews, phone interviews take a little edge off of the experience but demand equal professionalism. Once again, don't forget to add some personal flair that'll help the company recall your recent interview.

Subject Line: Thank you for your time!

Hello [Contact Name],

I just wanted to thank you for sitting on a call with me about the [position] at [company name]. After discussing the ins and outs of the role, I couldn’t be more confident about managing all of the necessary requirements.

Above all else, I’m most interested in [insert key point calling back to your discussion during your interview].

[From here, leave a personal touch that reinforces the personality and promises you discussed in your interview.]

Of course, if you have any further questions for me, feel free to contact me via email or by phone. I can’t wait to get started, and I hope we get to speak again soon!

Again, your time and consideration are greatly appreciated.

[Your Name]
[LinkedIn URL]

You’ll find some similarities between this template and the one before it. However, small changes that highlight details about your interview show that you were paying close attention. A good hiring manager will pick up on this, and it makes your candidacy look better overall.

Best Sample Thank You Emails After an Interview | AImReply
3. Informational interviews

These tend to be less common than the other types of interviews found in this article. If you aren’t familiar with informational interviews, these are one-on-one networking sessions. Usually, with other professionals, it’s a great way to build connections that can develop new job opportunities.

Subject Line: A personal thank you from [Your Name]

Hello [Contact Name],

Thank you for taking time from your schedule to meet with me today. I couldn’t have been more excited to discuss career opportunities with you about [insert company or industry].

Your comments were very helpful and clearly defined what I can expect in the industry moving forward. I'm excited to follow up, and I'd like us to have another meeting soon!

Again, your guidance was very much appreciated, and I hope we get the chance to chat soon! Please let me know if I can help in any way, and I’ll be here when you need me.

[Your name]
[LinkedIn URL]

The changes between each template may not seem like much, but they cater to the atmosphere of different types of interviews. As always, don’t overthink these templates word for word, as they’re merely guidance to influence your own twist. For those who have a hard time deciding on the right text, there are several tips and tricks you can make use of.

Best Sample Thank You Emails After an Interview | AImReply

Tips for Thank You Emails After the Interview Process

Not everyone has a knack for sending an effective thank-you email. Even with provided templates, a little extra guidance can go a long way for the everyday business professional. By combining these various tips and the templates mentioned above, you’ll have everything you need to write a stellar thank you.

Best Sample Thank You Emails After an Interview | AImReply
1. Always tailor to the recipient

A sense of professionalism is important throughout the email, but if you don’t tailor it to the recipient, the rest won’t matter. The reader will be able to tell if the message is for them or not. Tailoring an email to a recipient can include several minor yet noticeable details.

Some of these pertain to addressing specific topics, technical details about the job, and highlights that focus on unique identifiers about the recipient. By customizing thank you notes with the recipient in mind, your message will come off a lot more personable.

Best Sample Thank You Emails After an Interview | AImReply
2. Don’t forget to say thank you

This may sound redundant, but you want to ensure your email sounds like you’re saying thank you. You can’t simply say thank you over and over throughout the message, but you can use language that conveys the same meaning.

On top of that, always express gratitude for the opportunity and the time they took out of their day to meet with you. An email that exudes genuine appreciation is bound to resonate with the reader naturally.

Best Sample Thank You Emails After an Interview | AImReply
3. Make it sound like you

Not just any version of you, but the best version you put out into the corporate world. Your tone should be consistent with professionalism and authenticity. In the same vein, the email should reflect your personal style so it doesn’t seem robotic or disingenuous.

Consider utilizing some of their internal language if you can, as this demonstrates an early understanding of the position and its requirements. You don’t have to nitpick at every word in your email, but it should be a blend of professionalism and your personality.

Best Sample Thank You Emails After an Interview | AImReply

Final Thoughts

This article acts as the perfect go-to solution for sending a thank you email after an interview. Each person's take on the matter is bound to be different, but plenty of resources are available to support this endeavor.

If you’re having trouble taking initiative, consider utilizing AI to assist the writing process. This is exactly why we created AImReply, as it mitigates the time consumption and stress around emailing. Working with AImReply, you can craft an effective thank you email in seconds while still capturing the tone and style you need to land the job.

If you’re looking to streamline your email communication further, consider leveraging AI email generators like AImReply to assist you in crafting efficient and personalized messages with ease.

Author Ethan Wilson
Written by

Author, Expert in Email Strategy and Artificial Intelligence

Author Ethan Wilson

Written by

Ethan Wilson

Author, Expert in Email Strategy and Artificial Intelligence

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